"Stop & visit" Update

Hello Classmates of 1963,

We had our "stop and visit" on September 12th and it was nice seeing classmates. Several classmates had other committments, so were unable to attend but we were pleased with our turnout. Photos are on our website: www.HHS63.org for your viewing. Click on each photo and names of classmates are displayed on top of photo.

Our next gathering will be in September 2025, for our 80th Birthday Celebration. It will either be September 11 or September 18. We will inform you of the date when it is confirmed.

Spread the word as we are notifying those classmates whose email addresses are on our files.

If you have any questions or comments, you can always contact us at our email address: classofhopkins1963@gmail.com

Vernie Quinn McCabe, Reunion Committee